Upgrade ProcessWire

ProcessWire is another Content Management System (CMS) known for its flexibility, ease-of-use, and stability. You're able to customise the publishing/editing experience to suit the exact content requirements for the site.

For the most part, ProcessWire upgrades are fairly easy to do and can be carried out from within the site's control panel. But like all the other CMSs we support, if left too long, upgrading to the latest version can cause issues.

If you're experiencing these sorts of issues, we can help.

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Pre-upgrade information we need

When booking your CMS upgrade, there are a few pieces of essential information that we'll need. The information below assumes that you have a login for your site's control panel that gives you full access to all of its sections.

You might have a login that only has restricted access in which case, you might not see all of what's discussed below. If you can't locate the pages about your site's modules, please mention that when submitting your booking.


Finding your ProcessWire version number is easy as it's written at the bottom left corner of every page of your site's admin, e.g.


If you have the upgrades module installed, it will also tell you which version the site is currently on and whether an update is available.



You can find the list of your site's modules from the Modules menu in your admin's main navigation. The Site page will list all of the third-party modules that you have installed.


You can either write down the modules that appear on this page or a screenshot of the whole page might be easier.

Book an upgrade